Create Ts and Cs has recently won a research and development grant which will see a new collaborative project begin this month. Create Ts and Cs has joined up with the University of the West of Scotland and Law Wise, the University Law Clinic, to conduct research into Australian and New Zealand contract and commercial law.
The project will provide invaluable insight into the possibilities of extending Create Ts and Cs services.
Trading for over three years and based in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Create Ts and Cs has successfully built a reputation for providing small businesses with bespoke terms and conditions. Our unique approach to providing commercially focused bespoke contracts has allowed us to build a company that’s focused on our client’s contract needs.
Dale McFadzean, Academic Director Law Wise Law Clinic, said “we are delighted to be working with an innovative business such as Create and we hope the research findings lead to future expansion and collaboration”. Create Ts and Cs, Managing Director, David Reilly said “This is a great opportunity of us to work with a progressive University, who shares a similar ethos to us”
David continues, “Our goal is to simply assist small businesses avoid unnecessary business disputes”. “We provide our customers with contracts relevant to their business sector, sales processes and operations.
Our customers require contracts that enable them to protect their business, act professionally and enter into business agreements that allows them to managing their client’s expectations and build healthy business relationships”.