Shareholders’ agreements: protection from loss or unnecessary expense?
Shareholder Agreements saves money and creates incentive to encourage others to build the business.
Shareholder Agreements saves money and creates incentive to encourage others to build the business.
Legal experts are calling for a change in the law to make it easier to prosecute partnerships and individuals for criminal offences, even after the business has been dissolved and no longer officially exists.
by EasyEditor Newswire 16/12/2010 Web designers across the UK are routinely over servicing and under charging clients in a bid to keep the e-commerce revolution on track, claim experts. While 72% of website designers have seen a rise in expectations from their SME clients the majority are struggling to maintain increasingly sophisticated sites on …
by EasyEditor Newswire Contracts between firms which include late payment clauses need to become a common feature of everyday business practice, claim legal experts ahead of an EU update of a directive aimed at tackling business failures. On average, the majority of small and medium firms have to wait at least 41 days longer …
By David Reilly, Founder and Commercial Director of Create Ts and Cs 17/04/2010 As a business owner, getting paid for the work I do is an important part of building or growing the business . We all know cashflow is ‘king’. With that in mind, let me establish context for the following; this blog was inspired by …
An article picked up and presented on various social media networks published by Flag Media News & Features, written by Sean Murphy, Flag Media. December 2009. A lack of properly written terms and conditions can make the difference between failure and survival for thousands of businesses struggling with cash flow, claim business experts. Recent …
By David Reilly, Founder and Commercial Director of Create Ts and Cs Risk management in real terms is about managing cashflow and providing protection for you and your resources (cash, time and emotional energy) from petty long winded disputes which can drain a business. The small claims process exists for our protection and is a …