Small businesses, donations and working with charities.

In our experience, a lot of small business owners are very aware of social responsibilities and many have started businesses based upon a principle or an ethos. It would seem that small businesses are the perfect target for a charity or ethical organisation that requires donations. It appears logical, that a principled small business owner …

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Ts and Cs can help protect against screen scraping

  When you see the word screen scraping, you would imagine it to mean de-icing the car on a winter morning.  But actually, screen scraping is the process of automatically copying data from a website. Screen scraping is a controversial topic – some call it theft whilst others call it gathering information. Essentially scrapers will …

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Ten Reasons Why You Need a Contract

We understand that the law can appear boring and confusing, but would you use this as a reason not to protect your business? Legally, you don’t need to have a set of terms and conditions for your business, but it would be foolish not to – you should never do business without them.  We have …

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Consumer Protection for Businesses

Starting your online business can be a daunting task, especially with a very long to-do list before you are actually up and running. One of the things that can be easily forgotten about is having a solid set of terms and conditions drafted for your website or app. Neglecting this task, which many people deem …

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